Going through a divorce is downright difficult. Most people go through many emotions, often one after another. Some days are going to be filled with sadness, while others are filled with anger. Because of this, many go through mediation instead of court. Here are some more tips to help you avoid conflict through mediation.

Avoiding Conflict During Divorce with Mediation Part II

You can’t go into mediation ready for battle. Many people going through divorce are out to get their ex-spouse. They want to take them for everything that they got (and then some). They might fight over every little item (even things that they never cared about before the divorce) because they want to punish him or her. If you go into mediation with this attitude, it is never going to work. You might as well go to court.

You need to be prepared to make compromises. You need to go into mediation knowing that you aren’t going to get everything that you want. You are going to have to work with your ex in order to divide up your assets.

Because of this, you need to know what you want, what would be nice, and what you don’t care about. Going into mediation, you need to know what your deal breakers are. What do you have to have? What can you compromise about? This will help get the talks started.

Even though you may want to go through mediation to avoid conflict and the court system, it is important to know that there are going to be times when conflict arises. You can’t go into mediation ready for a fight. Instead, you should take the time to figure out what you have to have and what you are willing to compromise on. This will really help things go smoother.

Contact us for all of your legal needs. We will help you get through this difficult time.