Divorcing is hard, especially if you have children. Some look back as years wasted, others see the time as lessons learned. At one time you loved each other, and now perhaps you can’t stand to be in the same room together. This bitterness, resentment, hurt and anger is felt by the children you both love. Before you distress and upset them more than they already are, think about using mediation to resolve your issues. No one is going to outright win in a divorce. Property and money will have to be divided, child visitation will have to be agreed upon, these are things you know. Why go into a courtroom to fight this out in a public forum? A mediator smooths the way for your children and your future. This salvages a bit of your relationship for your children. They are the ones who will be put in the middle of brooding, disdainful, angry parents. This is parenting at it’s worst.
The Mediator’s Role
- Define issues
- Help each side understand the other’s position
- Move differing parties to resolution
Sounds simple enough, however when tempers are flaring and harsh words are being spoken it is anything but. There may only be one long mediation session, or there may be many meetings with a mediator individually and together. After all, you probably took a while to decide to get married, the dissolution of the marriage may also take some time. The mediator needs to know exactly where each party is coming from, what they want, and how to accomplish that. Mediators do not take sides, that is not their purpose, they see the issue dispassionately and with guidance and negotiation help both sides come to a settlement.
If you are in this situation, contact us to help resolve this painful time of your life.